"He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things." Romans 8: 32
I was blessed to have an Easter filled with the Lord's presence. He always amazes me by showing me who he is in big and small ways. Through conversations with family and friends, baptisms, hard and good times and more.
Two websites (click the titles below to go to the links) I love that I frequently read to worship, love, think and learn about the Lord are:
Audacious Faith
A blog written by one of my very best friends. She has a wonderful heart for the lord, is a great story-teller and has a great sense of humor.
She Worships
An amazing website written by a young woman with a love for the Lord's word. She understands the hearts of woman of all ages and has wonderful insight to share.