Summer is my favorite season for so many reasons. One of the best parts about it is the food trucks are always out and about! Durham has a unique flair and great food and they both combine in the assorted trucks you can find around town.
Great breakfast pizza from Piepushers! |
Two of the regulars, and two of the best, are Only Burger and Piepushers.
Parlez-Vous Crepe is a truck I consistently come back to. It shows up on Duke's campus and all over the Triangle at different events. One of my many goals during this gorgeous North Carolina Summer is to find and eat from as many of this fabulous trucks as possible. Top Trucks I want to find: 1. Doughnette Truck 2. The Parlour (A modern take on an ice cream truck and soda shop!) 3.American Melts (Unique grilled cheese type sandwiches that get great reviews.) Click here to find the trucks with Carpe Durham's Food Truck Locator! |
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